Vacation May - June 2013

Hello family and friends! Below are a collection of just samples of some of the 300+ pictures that we have taken along the way or our travels this year.

The most recent pictures are at the top going through each eventful day in reverse order.
So you may wish to start at the bottom of this page to see the vacation pictures in chronological sequence.

Hope you enjoy them!

June 9

We’re back home, having arrived around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately we did have to cut the trip short by about 6 days, thus being unable to visit the canals of San Antonio, the Alamo and Carlsbad Caverns. – but we still had a great time visiting the various states, learning about local culture and seeing family and friends along the way.

Welcome Home

Here's some stats for you:
Miles = 6,148
States Visited =
California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona.

Stops Made Along the Way
We started at marker W and ended at marker W. The pictures below are just a few along the way!

June 8
We left Kingman, AZ around 8:30 a.m. this morning and it was going on 99 degrees. By the time we got to Boron, Calif. it was 110 degrees, then we pulled into the Doubletree Motel in Bakersfield around 3:30 p.m. it was 105 degrees. Boy have we seen the weather changes on this trip - cold weather and having to put the heater on in our RV, Thunderstorms, Tornado Watches and Warnings, more Thunderstorms, then the HEAT!
This morning we met some new RoadTrekkers John & Barbara on their way back to their home Santa Fe, N.M. We hope to see them again in future RoadTrek Rallies.
Today's quick snapshots are of entering California, crossing the Colorado River and then stopping for lunch at the Apple Shed in Tehachapi. We have eaten there a couple of years back and they have great food, service and gift store. Unfortunately I wasn't afforded the opportunity to buy some MORE memorabilia!
Tomorrow we will go to Mass at St. Phillip the Apostle Church here in Bakersfield, and if no problems home by late afternoon. See you home folks soon!
Entering California
Crossing the Colorado River
The Apple Shed Restaurant
June 7
We left Grants, New Mexico this morning about 7 a.m. Central Time heading out to Kingman, Arizona. After driving about 400 miles we stopped first at the Cracker Barrel restaurant (they have great food & grits in the western and southern states). Then did some grocery shopping and checked into the Best Western here. We have been here several times over the years and enjoy Kingman - except today it is 107 degrees. After fighting winds, thunderstorms, tornado alerts now we hit the heat. Even so, what a great country we have. Here are a couple of pictures from the day as we entered Arizona and drove past the entrance to the Petrified Forest (we were there a couple of years ago - if you want to see what we saw be sure to check out past vacations on the left side menu links on our family homepage at pagecage.org). We will make Bakersfield by tomorrow and be home by Sunday - see you local folks soon!!
Entering Arizona
Entrance to the Petrified Forest

June 6
As noted below we are trying to cover as many miles as we can without tiring us, in order to be able to get to our Doc's office by Monday. Yesterday we covered 433 miles and today 355. We're in Grants, New Mexico tonight and will be traveling to Kingman, Arizona tomorrow. The first picture below is a picture of a sign outside our room in Amarillo, TX. Seems the midwest and southern states are proud of religion and unwilling to be pressured by a secular culture. Good for them! We fought winds and thunderstorms again today but are now settled in our room and sharing these pictures with you. Most of the pictures have been titles, so if you hover over them, they become self-explanatory. Enjoy!

Example of Freedom of Religion
More Thunderstorms
Entering New Mexico
Our "Campsite" Tonight
RV Alone without us tonight!
Our poor RV is outside in the weather, all alone, while we are inside sending you these pictures!!
June 5
Today after being on the road since May 10th, and having some medical issues, we decided to cut our vacation short a couple days and start to head home. But no way were we going to leave without seeing our dear friends Mike & Teresa Conroy in Waxahachie, TX. We met for breakfast and had a GREAT visit. Afterwards we continued on to Amarillo, TX where we moteling tonight. But we stopped at a rest stop for a break and were greeted with the sign you see below.
With Mike & Teresa
Roadside Rest before Quahana City, TX
June 4
Today we made two major tours and took many pictures. Again these are just a few samples from the day. First we visited the George W. Bush Library and Museum at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. You can see us out by the fountain before the tour began and Chuck getting a drink of water. While there, the staff immediately recognized Chuck and asked him to sit at the desk in the Oval Office and take a phone call from President Obama. Unfortunately the Prez did not recognize common sense from common folk. The last picture is of the Texas Book Depository as we began a tour of it and the history of the assassination of JFK at Dealey Plaza. We were at both tours about 3 hours for each.
P.S.: before checking out and going to bed this night we found many birthday wishes for Chuck who turned 73 today.
Outside GWB Museum
Chuck gets a drink of water
Miriam in Museum
Chuck invited to sit at desk in Oval Office
Entering the Texas Book Depository Museum
June 3
After breaking camp this morning in Longview, Texas, we headed out to Plano, TX to take our RV to the Sprinter Mercedes Benz dealer there and fortunately on the route for us to get to Dallas. We knew we had to change our itinerary today (which scheduled us to visit the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. We arrived at the Mercedes Benz of Plano dealership shortly after 11:30 a.m. Fortunately we had a great service advisor Deana and mechanic John. After several hours of diagnostic work the problem and solution were determined and we were on our way before 4 p.m., along with a hand washing of our rig. Here is a picture of their facility, the only picture taken today.
Mercedes Benz of Plano
June 2
We left Clinton, MS this a.m. after Mass at Holy Savior Church. Visited with the Pastor who told us his close friend is the Pastor of St. Isidore Parish in Danville, CA. Below are pictures as we crossed the Mississippi River into Louisiana, a state that has great roadside rests with Miriam outside of one of them, then leaving Shreveport, La going on to Texas and our campsite in Longview, Texas - a beautiful site for travelers. We are outside right now catching up up on phone calls, emails, etc.
Holy Savior Church
Crossing the Mississippi River
Roadside Rest in Louisiana
Leaving Shreveport, LA
Entering Texas
Our Campsite in Longview, Texas
June 1
We left Irondale, AL this morning heading out to Clinton, Mississippi. The trip was about 250+ miles and the engine light logo came on. This usually means that the diesel fuel injector heads are getting dirty, so hopefully somewhere along the way we can make an appointment ahead of time to have them cleaned up. I think this problem may be due to traveling in several midwest and southern states that do not sell Diesel #2 fuel but rather lower sulfur fuel or biodiesel. Also, the macerator for our black and gray holding tanks are acting up but they can't be fixed until we get back home. Anyway, upon entering Mississippi we were greeted with the beautiful sight that all of vegetation along the I-20 Interstate were Magnolia trees on the sides and in the median. A lot nicer than those Oleanders in California. We took several pictures of them. Below are also pictures of the Springridge RV site, which upon arrival we found to be really a mobile "estates" facility. We have also learned that in many areas in the South the Catholic churches are in neighborhoods and generally not in the city access areas. So we went and found the church that we will be attending Mass at tomorrow morning. Glad we did since it was hard to find, especially an adequate parking area for our rig. By the way, it is 6 p.m. here in Clinton, the temperature is 89 degrees, the humidity is between 60% and 70%, and Thunderheads are rolling in for a potential storm tonight. Oh, well!!
Magnolias line the Fwy.
Magnolia trees
Springridge Site
Catholic Church Site
May 31
After arising before 5 a.m. Central Time this morning, we packed up and left for the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Al for 7 a.m. Mass. The Poor Clare Sisters of the Perpetual Adoration, under the tutelage of Mother Angelica, have enabled the construction of this Shrine and well as the establishment of EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network). After Mass and touring the shrine's grounds and facilities, we headed on over to Irondale, AL to visit the EWTN church and TV facilities (again taking a bunch of picture for a later video, and choosing gifts for family and friends). Here are just a couple of pictures for you know what is going on while we make this journey - both with family, friends and spiritual.
Entering the Shrine
The Church's Upper Level
Entering EWTN
The Grotto Just Outside the Church and TV Studios
May 30
Today we traveled to the Newnan, Georgia area to visit with our son-in-law's mom, Judy Williamson. She lives at Wesley Woods there - a great retirement community for all seniors. Here are some pictures of us with her. Afterwards we proceeded onto Hanceville, Alabama and we are spending the night at St. Anthony's room, a sub-unit of the St. Michael's house, one of several homes surrounding the Our Lady of The Angels Monastery. Tomorrow morning we will go to an early morning Mass at their Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Afterwards we will continue on to the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) studios for a tour of their complex.
Entering Welsley Woods
Judy & Mimi (Miriam)
A Great Breakfast Lunch with Judy
St. Michael's House (we're in the bottom floor unit)
Jellystone Cabin
May 29
Today was a long day with several short stops along the way. We spent the night at the Yogi Bear Jellystone Campground in Bremen, Georgia. We were scheduled to use a full hookup campsite but being tired we decided to use one of their family campgrounds. The Yogi Bear Jellystone campgrounds are really family friendly with animals, things for kids to do, and an evening outdoor show. Here's a picture of our cabin.

May 28
Upon arriving at the Tennessee-Georgia border we headed to the historic Chickamauga and Chattanooga Civil War Battlefield in the Lookout Mountain area of Georgia. The historical collections, the video theatre program to orient visitors, and the ability to drive several miles to various sites within the battlefield while listening to their audio narrative were quite a learning experience. Over 10,000 soldiers died in the several month long battle, with an additional 36,000 casualties. We have been to Appomattox Courthouse and the Gettysburg battlefields but this visit topped them all. So far on this trip we have taken a couple of hundred pictures and the sample from today shows how the day ended at the campground in Clarksville, TN.

Visitors' Center
May 27
We left St. Louis, MO this a.m. and the first picture is where we had to park. The Hampton Hotel downtown from the Archway had what the called Charter Buss parking (for one) by their dumpsters, the homeless, and freeway (I worried the whole time about damage or burglary to our RV but we were okay). Then we traveled on to Clarksville, TN for tonight's camping and a pretty nice site. We're getting ready to eat dinner right now so farewell, for now.
RV Parking Spot
Clarksville, TN Campsite
May 26
Today we went to Mass at St. Peter's & Paul's Church, built in 1874 in the German ethnic area of St. Louis, MO (after their original church built of wood burned down in 1859). We took a bunch of pictures of this historical church. Then we went to the St. Louis Arch Gateway Museum and Park and were overwhelmed by the numbers of people this Memorial Day weekend. Afterwards we took a horse carriage stroll of the downtown St. Louis. What a great trip and by Linda and her horse Wilbur.
Papa & Mimi touching the St. Louis Gateway Arch
Linda & Wilbur
Our Tour Guides, Linda and Wilbur
On The Road
Aww, just too cozy up in a carriage is a GREAT treat!
May 25
We are in St. Louis, MO tonight. Mimi's is so happy that for the first time since May 10 she can sit in a hot tub. Wow! We're staying at the Hampton Inn downtown (the hotel has us park our RV back by the dumpsters -remind us to tell you how we got there). Had a great dinner at the Tigin Restaurant next door with Irish dinners. Here's an late afternoon picture from our room.
The St. Louis Archway
May 23
This day we took a trip to Branson on our own and visited the Titanic Museum. It is renowned as the largest Titanic Museum in the world and has a great collection of artifacts, etc. There is even one location where there is the simulation of what it is like to be on the deck just before hitting the iceberg, with motion and very cold temperature. Very impressive!
Exterior of Museum
Exterior of Museum with simulated iceberg, water motion and sky.
Foot of Stairwell
At the foot of the museum with a look of apprehension - maybe a collision being anticipated.
May 22
Early this morning an overhead picture was taken of the 250 RoadTrek RV's at our America's Best Campground in Branson. Our RV has a red circle around it and is just above the white gathering tent. In the afternoon 500+ RoadTrekkers boarded busses that took us to the Dolly Parton Theatre to dine and watch the Dixie Stampede!
Overhead Shot of Campground
Group Picture
We're the ones outlined in yellow border!!
Mimi Boards Bus
Dolly Parton Theatre
Show Begins
Men's Room
Urinals in the Men's Room
May 19 & 21
After checking in and getting registered for the Rally, we also had the opportunity for some RoadTrek technicians to come by and address any questions we had with our RV. We also saw the newest models and boy are we tempted. Went on for dinner and about 2 hours later got the Tornado warning and everyone to head to their rigs. If the sirens came on we were to report to the "rock house", or the basement of the office/shop, or the concrete bathrooms. Fortunately that did not happened. But heavy thunderstorms continued until about 4 a.m. on May 20. The last picture is from Tuesday when we decided to stay in camp and do laundry and catch up, rather than tour Branson in the thunderstorms that returned around 8:30 a.m.
Welcome Banner
Just a few of the 250 RVs
Just a few of the 250 RV's.
Our campsite
Our campsite
Welcome Dinner
Beautiful Mimi!!
Beautiful Mimi awaits my company!
Campsite Today May 21
Campsite in the rain - went out to take picture after Thunder stopped Gathering tent in the back where we eat and have entertainment on the campgrounds. Tomorrow they say the sun will return.
Bugs and Rain
Outside of meeting some great campers and RoadTrek-Camp personnel, our main encounters so far has been rain and bugs!!
May 19
This was a long driving day. Left Des Moines, IA at 8:30 a.m. and arrived at America's Best Campground in Branson, MO around 5:30 p.m. Had to make a short stop for medical check at the hospital below and found immediate service by some very personable professionals!!
On to Missouri
Great Emergency Health Servides Here
May 18
We began a great day with Leni's Dance Recital with her group. Some better pictures of the event are coming but here are some candid shots, along with some pictures taken during a stroll in the Pappajohn Sculpture Park.
Leni Prepares
Lenin prepares for the recital
After a great show
Outside the Campus Theatre
Outside the campus theatre

At the Pappajohn Sculpture Park
All of Us
Yep, that's us! Leni, Curt,Mimi, Papa, & Steph
Skyline in the background
Des Moines skyline in the background and some of the sculptures below.
May 17
We arrived in Des Moines, IA on May 16th at our daughter Stephanie's home to visit with her and son-in-law Curt and granddaughter Leni. On May 17 we toured the Maytag Dairy in Newton, (home of the best blue cheese in the world) and then to Zombie Burgers for the best burger. I had the "Undead Elvis" (two beef patties, an egg, 3 bacons, banana slices, and peanut butter). Um, um good!
Maytag Dairy
The Dairy
Is this for REAL?
Is this for real?
Guess Who?
On to Zombie's
On to Zombie Burgers for lunch!
Chuck & Mimi at Zombie's
Chuck & Mimi enter restaurant not realizing that they are being followed!
All of a sudden Mimi realizes that Chuck has disappeared!!!
May 15
Camping in Kearney, NB
Kearney Campsite
May 14
Left Rock Springs, WY this a.m., traveling on to Cheyenne.
Leaving Rock Springs
Leaving Rock Springs
On to Cheyenne
On to Cheyenne
Mimi Visits with Local Chief
Miriam with Local Chief
Our First Storm Brewing
Our First Storm on this trip.
Miriam Gets a Pedicure
Miriam gives herself a pedicure, Wyoming style.
Chuck Goes Prarie Dog Hunting
Chuck goes on a prairie dog hunt with other campers.
May 13
On to Wyoming and our campsite in Rock Springs. Stopped at State Welcome Center and watched Bison with their calves and Miriam & I with some of the locals.
Entering Wyoming
Bison with "Younuns"
Mimi with Friends
Chuck with Mimi's Friends
May 12 - Mother's Day
Attended Mass at St. Paul the Apostle Church. Today is Mother's Day and all of the mothers and grandmothers were given with flowers. the Sacrament of Confirmation was also provided by the Pastor for several Teens. Then we traveled to the KOA in West Wendover, NV. Had Mother's Day dinner in the restaurant at the Peppermill Casino. The campground was somewhat scary. We were 1 of 3 campers (2 of us and 1 each of the others). In the evening 3 juveniles cruised through the campground. No security.
West Wendover Campsite

May 11:
We left Alturas, CA this a.m. after spending a great visit (and dinner at the Hotel Niles) with our friends George and Yvonne Studinski. Now heading out to Winnemucca, NV.

Hotel Niles
With Yvonne & George Studinski
With dear friends Yvonne & George Studinski as we head out this morning.
Passing by Pyramid Lake
Setting Up Campsite at Winnemucca