Faith Profile

September 11, 2009 10:28:00 PM
Appeal-Democrat Newspaper - Faith and Family Feature
By Laura Helms/Appeal-Democrat

Chuck Page and Miriam Page

• Name: Chuck Page and Miriam Page

• Age: He, 69, and she, 67

• Family: Children and their spouses, Juliana and John Williamson-Page; Stephanie and Curt Cardwell; Marcus Page and fiancée Chelsea Collonge; Geoff and Kristi Page; Jennifer and Brian Hackney; eight grandchildren

• City of residence: Yuba City

• Occupation: Both retired, Chuck from being the deputy director of the California Board of Corrections; and Miriam from Yuba County Probation as an administrative assistant.

• Hobbies, interests: We love to travel and go places like the old Route 66 and the "Blue" highways. We both like computers, Chuck is the Webmaster of St. Isidore Catholic Church. Miriam enjoys genealogy.

Chuck & Miriam 09-09-09

• What brought you to the Yuba-Sutter area? Chuck's job.

• Place of worship you attend: St. Isidore Catholic Church, Yuba City

• How long have you attended? 24 years.

• What is the importance of faith in your life?

Chuck: Faith is what makes your inner soul live. I can't see living without faith. I use modeling and words to show my faith.

Miriam: It is everything, if you don't have faith there is no point to life.

• How do you live out your faith?

Chuck: By trying to give examples to my grandchildren. I look for opportunities to share my faith. I am a part of the Catholic Legislative Network, a group that shares information about bills that are being written.

Miriam: You live it out in everything that you do. It forms your decisions, what you watch and don't watch. You need things that will feed your faith, not things that work against it.
