Christmas Portrait 2006

Our last all together family picture from Christmas Eve 2006 and here is what we looked like at the time. As an update Jennifer is expecting baby in May 2010. We are hoping for a girl to help balance between the current 4 boys and one girl. But we will, of course, be happy just to have another family member. The picture below is minus Jeni's son Saul, born in 2007.

Christmas Eve, 2006
Top: Juli, John, Curt, Papa, Spencer, Sterling, Brian;
Middle: Geoff, Sean, Stephi, Mimi, Seth, Jeni; Bottom: Tyler, Kristi, Sami, Leni, Marc.
The year 2006 was a year of major changes in our family. Chuck lost both his dad and mom (Gramps and Granny), in April and October. Charlie Sr. died four days before his 91st birthday, and Jean died five days before her 85th. (Obituary links can be made by clicking here:
Charles "Charlie" Page and M. Jean Page). On November 4 they would have been married 68 years. Christmas Eve (and other family events) will not be the same

Our last Family Portrait with Granny & Gramps (2002)

Christmas Eve 2002
Top: John & Juli Williamson-Page, Papa & Mimi, Granny (83), Gramps (89), Marc Page
Centered Left: Leni, Curt & Stephanie Cardwell; Centered Center: Sterling, Brian, Spencer, Jennifer & Samantha Hackney; Centered Right: Geoff, Kristi & Sean Page

Christmas Letter 2009
Merry Christmas Message
