The PageCage Cage (Home)
Below are some pictures of where we live, which gives you the idea why we are happy that we moved from Southern California to our home here in Yuba City. The snow is unusual and we have only gotten some about 4 times in the last 18 years. We are only 60' above sea level in an area of California known as the Inland Sea, since our county is the only one in California that is completely surrounded by levees. The rivers (Feather, Sacramento, Yuba and Bear) around us get up to 70+ high within the levees. Gulp!!

Front of house

Back of house

Pool by side of house

Our pasture in back where we usually raise a steer every other year for our meat. Use to have the kids animals here when they use to live at home (horse, chickens, turkey, geese, dogs and at one time nine cats).

A view catty corner from our house at the intersection of Sanborn and Bogue Roads. Please click on picture for a larger view.
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