Caravan to the Sutter Buttes
April 2, 2011
Sutter Buttes From Our Street Corner
View of Sutter Buttes from the street corner by our home


On Saturday April 2, 2011, we had the GREAT privilege to be invited to travel with a caravan to the Sutter Buttes hosted by Mary & Garry Gunderson and with the Northern California Region Horseless Carriage Association. Below are pictures from that day. We made two stops to check out what other afficianados were doing and to take a break. Then on into the Buttes for a picnic and exploration. WOW, what a great day.

Caravan assembles at the Gunderson home!
Nest stop at Buster Brugmann's Chevy Country garage & tinkering shop!
Next Stop - at the home of Larry Arlyn and then onto his farm & barn for our picnic!
Check out the caravan heading up into the hills!
Check out our picnic - couldn't have asked for a more pituresque day and great people!
Seth encourages us to climb the nearby mountain and almost to the top he shows what it is like to stand atop a centuries old giant boulder!
Near the top of the mountain we now look back down upon our picnic area and the distant cattle!
Seth runs down the hill back to our site - Papa of course took his time!
