2011 "Road & Cruise" Trip

Click on the video below to see a slideshow of our pictures. Took us awhile since we processed over 800 digital pictures to cull them down for this video. Fortunately there are less than 300 in the video. It is a little over 30 minutes long, so you may want to have a cup of coffee or tea prepared before you begin - or maybe even a glass of the very good wine from the Yakima, WA area. We have some we brought home if you want to stop by!!
What a great and beutiful vacation we experienced with the sights and sounds of our country and of our family and friends we visited with along the way, as well as the new friends we made on this adventurous trip.
Thank you!!


August 12
Leaving Home and on the way to Mass. Entering Oregon. Our Campsite at Central Point, Oregon. Welcome from Mimi (Mom). Our Welcome Mat from Sue (thanks Sue)
August 13
At Mystery House, Oregon Vortex, where things lean and seem out of kinter!. Is our tour guide leaning or not. Answer: nope we are in a vortex. Check out this picture and the next one with the broom!. And now on to Crater Lake!! The deepest blue lake around with no water tributaries other than snow and rain!. Our Campsite at Big Pines Campground in Crescent, OR (mom checks out our agenda and maps).
August 14
Papa's Ankle Brace is becoming a bother!!. Mass at Holy Redeemer Parish. The Holy Family sculpture in the Sanctuary. Traveling by Mt. Hood on the way to Portland. Appears our grandson Sterling has banks in Portland!!. Ahhh! Dinner time at Brookhollow RV in Kelso, WA!

August 15
Today was the day of “you can’t get there from here.” The navigator (Mimi) did an exceptional job of planning but we did have some difficulty this day.
We took the north road to Mt. St. Helen’s; it’s really spectacular, but apparently the south road is the way to go (and there’s no way to go all the way around!).We were supposed to camp at Harmony Lakeside  tonight.  We got there around 5p.m., gorgeous place on a lake, very isolated, and we thinking, Jeni and Brian would love this place.  Oops, the electricity is off!  “They’re working up the road and probably cut the line. It usually comes back on in an hour or so”.  Since we have to pick up Steve & Claire in the morning at SeaTac, and it’s a couple hour drive, we decided not to chance “usually.”  Remind me to tell you about making the reservations for this place!  It just was not meant to be from the beginning. So we drove on to Tacoma and "moteled" it, just an hour from the airport. I tried to take out Dad’s stitches this a.m.  Got 3 of 8 on his shoulder and was afraid to tackle the chest. So tomorrow after we get S&C to their hotel, will go to an Urgent Care before the campground.  Having a great time.

August 16
After picking up Steve & Claire at the SeaTac airport we were off to the local Urgent Care for the removal of sutures from shoulder and chest. Our Campsite in Kent, Washington.

August 17
This day we experienced rapid transit in the Seattle area, taking bus #180 to the Light Rail at the SeaTac airport and then on the Westlake Center in downtown Seattle where we met Steve & Claire and took a walking tour of Pike's Place then an Argosy ship tour of the waterways and a new and great experience! Pictures include: At end of the Light Rail route, Westlake Center Clock. Pike's Public Market, downtown Seattle. Cruising the Sound on our the Goodtime III, when we later left the sound and entered the Locks to get up to the height of the Columbia River.

August 18
This day we took a "land" cruise of the sights and sounds of Seattle via Northwest Tours and our guide Terry. All Aboard! Let's go!. This downtown Gold Rush memorabilia park offered information and amenities, like restrooms!. Mimi in the Clouds with Diamonds!. Workers tagging fish at the Locks.. Just one of many works of art at the Locks.. Our moteling night in Renton, Washington before we head out on the cruise tomorrow.
August 19
The Cruise Begins!. The pictures are as we "mustered" for our abandon ship drill and views from the top deck as we headed off into the fog from Washington's Puget Sound, where we would meet 3+ meters ocean swells (9+ feet) the next day. Pictures include Miriam with Seattle in the background. Our Muster Station. Brother Steve and Sister-in-law Claire (our personal St. Claire), in the center background as we muster. Looking back as we leave Washington. The Sunset as we head out to sea.
August 20
All day at sea, in the fog and with swells of over 3 meters (9+ feet). Oops, yep we got motion sickness and missed our first formal dinner night - but still a great memory! Pictures include the view ahead... ...and the view behind!
August 21
We're in Juneau, Alaska. Miriam and sister-in-law Claire are off to an Orca Whale Watch tour and Salmon Clambake while my brother Steve and I are off on helicopter trip from sea level, up to 2,000 ft. on top the Mendenhall Glacier for about a mile hike. Pictures include Miriam's Orca Whale Boat trip ending with a Salmon Bake. The picture of the Whale tail is from a postcard but she did catch a distant shot of the Orca's fin before descending. Brother Steve & I took a helicopter to the top of the glacier, where we crossed over a very deep Crevasse that the Guide said was a no brainer as he grabbed my arm and helped me jump across it. Gratefully teh "crampons" that were afixed to our boots made it easier for us so that we could high step into the glacier on our hike.
August 22 - Skagway, AK
This day we took a tour bus up to the Canadian Yukon Territories, stopping to gold pan at a dredge along the way, stopping in Canada where we met the White Pass Railway Train that took us back along majestic views to Skagway. Miriam and I also were able to get abouit $36 worth of gold flakes! Check out the gold flakes in the scales!
August 23-24 This day we cruised the Tracy Arm Fjord with some great and wondrous sights. We also had our Formal dinner night.
August 25
Victoria, BC.The Empress Hotel where we had our "High Tea". Mmmm, Mmmm, Good!. The British Columbia Goverment's Parliament Grounds.
August 26
We checked into our motel early this day to regroup, rest and get ready for the next leg of our trip.
August 27-Sept. 4
On to visits with Margaret and Paul in Seattle and his restoration project; Mt. Ranier; then to Goldendale for the Mary Hill Museum, Stonehenge; then to visits with Nick & Ann Stevens in Richland, WA and George & Yvonne Studinski in Alturas, CA
September 5
Back home!!

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